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Children's Ministry

Basic 252, Sundays and Wednesdays

Student Ministries

6th-12th, Middle School and High School

Sundays and Wednesdays

Worship Arts

Worship Team, Musicals and other productions

Children's Ministry

Lakeside Kids, K-5th

Sundays and Wednesdays

Contact Tonya Morrison with any questions regarding our Children's Ministry.


6th-12th, Middle School and High School

Sundays 9:00 a.m.

Wednesdays 6:00-8:00 

Contact Pastor Krystal with any questions regarding our Student Ministry.



LCC Teen Ministry

Worship Arts

Worship Team, Musicals and other productions

lakeside worship (sticker).png

Small Groups

Teens, Young Adults, Families, Women and Men

Meet at Various Times Throughout the Week 

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